Saturday, March 21, 2009

baby on the way soon!

well, i have been blessed to get to spend a few days with mommy. big thank you to john for driving down with her so she could come visit this way. although the baby was not ready to show up while she was here, it will be very soon. mom said it looked like i have dropped even further just in the last couple days and i have have much pressure and uncomfort in my lower back region especially. if nothing happens by tuesday, i go back to the doctor then, and if i am close enough, he has talked about inducing so hopefully by early next week she will be here if not in the next day or so. i can say that i am beyond ready, lol!!! but very excited. and i cant wait to see everyone next month. i think i will spend that last week in april in amarillo. so anyway, down to the wire... everyone will get phone calls from the hospital as we find out everything!! love you all and miss you! mill

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