Sunday, January 25, 2009

baby countdown

well, i have about 9 weeks left to go. we are getting very excited and getting everything prepared. so far everything has gone well. my iron does get a little low every so often so i have to watch that and poor larry has to deal with all my emotions which i must say i have a lot of. i feel like i am having a little harder time with that this go round. but i am thankful for a good bill of health this time. anyway, i must go for now. cant wait to see everyone! love you all, mill


Ginger said...

I am so glad to hear things are going ok...I know this part is not easy.

Make a list of what things you still need to get and I am hoping we can have a shower of sorts...maybe Teresa and us there and everyone else invited by laptop feed.

frazierfamilyblog said...

really all that is needed now is just the small stuff like lotions, powders, etc. a monitor and diaper pail, wipes all the misc. stuff that you just need plenty of on hand. thank you ginger for the rest it was a huge help!

Ginger said...

i completely forgot to bring the diaper champ I have....I should see you before the baby gets here so I will bring it with me.

Ginger said...

love the new background looks so cute