Sunday, January 25, 2009

baby countdown

well, i have about 9 weeks left to go. we are getting very excited and getting everything prepared. so far everything has gone well. my iron does get a little low every so often so i have to watch that and poor larry has to deal with all my emotions which i must say i have a lot of. i feel like i am having a little harder time with that this go round. but i am thankful for a good bill of health this time. anyway, i must go for now. cant wait to see everyone! love you all, mill

Sunday, January 4, 2009


hello everyone! just updating a little. not much going on here except working and sleeping. i have 12 weeks left to go until baby but i really dont think i will go that long.she is appearing to be another big girl like shaelee was but we are very excited and getting everything ready for her arrival! love you all and i will post more very soon!